
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

23 ways for teens to make money (and maybe adults too!)

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23 ways for teens to make money (and maybe adults too!)

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I can remember my teenage days well. I didn’t want to work, but I needed to make money to support my social life. So I umpired, cut grass, and bagged groceries. I didn’t particularly love any of the jobs, but in order to offset my spending, I needed to work.

Make Money With Video

Make Money With Video

             The web is going video in a big way now.  There’s no denying that there is massive demand for video content, and that it will continue to soar.  Especially when Google and others figure out how to convert video to text on the fly and rank videos just like regular text pages.   (It’s not as far off as you might think!  See

Monday, July 26, 2010

Make Money Through Adbrite

Make Money Through Adbrite
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I run 4 other Sites and Blogs which I promoted from ground up. This particular blog will just be about setting up your own blog, adbrite account and getting visitors.

Currently, I will tell you my experiences with Adbrite.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

How To Make Money Using Miscrosofts New Search Engine Bing

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Msn, Yahoo, and the fabulous Google search engines have dominated the internet. Advertisers know if they want to make money then that's where they need to be on the top of the search engines.(front page). So many of us struggle to find ways to make money. Newbies struggle the most because they do not understand how the system really works. In the beginnings  of the internet companies would open up a site and advertise on the search engines.

How to start sharply the Google Adsense Earnings.

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How to start sharply the Google Adsense Earnings.
          You heard the reports about guys who pull down thousands of dollars a month with Google AdSense? Have you heard the stories about 10% click through rates and $1-$5 earnings per click?

Have you ever wished you could figure out how they do it and start making real profits with AdSense? If so, prepare for a great ride, because I'm going to show you how it's done...

Make Money With CPA Lead

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Make Money With CPA Lead
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 Do you want to make money online with CPA (Cost Per Action) leads? You can try it by joining the group called CPAlead. Here are some things to consider before you go for this type of online marketing...

Bloggers who are able to attract traffic from the US and the UK can use this kind of approach:

Make money from your web site - the best banner ad networks

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Make money from your web site - the best banner ad networks
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There's more than just contextual advertising networks as a means of generating revenue from your web site. In some scenarios, contextual ads just don't work and you need to be able to take greater control over what appears in the ad space. Consider utilizing banner ad networks.
Banner advertising payout rates have definitely decreased since the heady days of the late 90's, but there is some good news for web masters looking for a flexible and reliable way of selling banner ad space.